星际娱乐app offers diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases, 包括肺气肿, chronic bronchitis and asthma, 由训练有素和合格的心肺医生使用肺功能诊断设备.
一位呼吸保健医生拜访每一位被诊断患有心肺疾病的病人,以确保了解和治疗. 诊断后迅速开始成功的治疗,以防止疾病进一步发展.
呼吸系统疾病患者必须立即戒烟. 在超过99%的呼吸系统疾病确诊病例中,吸烟的患者, the cause of the disorder is smoking. Because the disease progresses quickly in patients who continue to smoke, it becomes extremely difficult to effectively treat patients.
For additional information on pulmonary diagnosis and disease, please call the 心肺 Department, at 979-241-5950.
星际娱乐app offers diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases, 包括肺气肿, chronic bronchitis and asthma, 由训练有素和合格的心肺医生使用肺功能诊断设备.
一位呼吸保健医生拜访每一位被诊断患有心肺疾病的病人,以确保了解和治疗. 诊断后迅速开始成功的治疗,以防止疾病进一步发展.
呼吸系统疾病患者必须立即戒烟. 在超过99%的呼吸系统疾病确诊病例中,吸烟的患者, the cause of the disorder is smoking. Because the disease progresses quickly in patients who continue to smoke, it becomes extremely difficult to effectively treat patients.
For additional information on pulmonary diagnosis and disease, please call the 心肺 Department, at 979-241-5950.
肺功能 Tests 是否有一组测试来测量肺部吸入和释放空气的能力以及它们排出气体的能力, 比如氧气, from the atmosphere into the body’s circulation.
Pulmonary function tests are done to:
- 诊断某些类型的肺部疾病(特别是哮喘、支气管炎和肺气肿)
- Find the cause of shortness of breath
- Measure whether exposure to contaminants at work affects lung function
It also can be done to:
- Assess the effect of medication
- Measure progress in disease treatment
霍尔特监控 是否有一种技术可以在你进行日常活动时持续记录心脏的电活动. 这项技术可以帮助医生诊断异常心律,并制定最有效的治疗方案.
An 超声心动图, often referred to in the medical community as a cardiac ECHO or simply an ECHO, is a sonogram of the heart (it is not abbreviated as ECG, which in medicine usually refers to an electrocardiogram). Also known as a cardiac ultrasound, 它使用标准的超声技术对心脏的二维切片进行成像.
Echocardiography is used to diagnose cardiovascular diseases. In fact, it is one of the most widely used diagnostic tests for heart disease. It can provide a wealth of helpful information, including the size and shape of the heart, its pumping capacity and the location and extent of any damage to its tissues. It is especially useful for assessing diseases of the heart valves. It not only allows doctors to evaluate the heart valves, but it can detect abnormalities in the pattern of blood flow, such as the backward flow of blood through partly closed heart valves, known as regurgitation. By assessing the motion of the heart wall, 超声心动图可以帮助检测冠状动脉疾病的存在并评估其严重程度, as well as help determine whether any chest pain is related to heart disease. Echocardiography can also help detect hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. 超声心动图最大的优点是它是无创的(不涉及破皮或进入体腔),没有已知的风险或副作用.
A 压力测试 can be used to test for heart disease. 压力测试是由医生和/或训练有素的技术人员进行的测试,以确定在出现心律异常或缺血(没有足够的血液流向心肌)之前你的心脏可以承受的压力大小。.
The most commonly performed stress test is the exercise stress test.
The most commonly performed stress test is the exercise stress test.
Your doctor uses the stress test to:
- 确定在增加运动量的过程中,你的心脏是否有足够的血流量.
- 评估你的心脏药物控制心绞痛和缺血的有效性.
- 确定患冠心病的可能性和进一步评估的必要性.
- 检查改善冠心病患者心脏血管内血液流动的程序的有效性.
- Identify abnormal heart rhythms.
- Help you develop a safe exercise program.
There are many different types of stress tests, including:
- Treadmill stress test: 只要你能走路,心电图正常,这通常是第一次进行压力测试. 你在跑步机上行走,同时被监测你走了多远,如果你出现胸痛或心电图变化,表明你的心脏供血不足.
- 核压力试验: 这项测试有助于确定心脏的哪些部分是健康的,功能正常,哪些不是. A very small and harmless amount of radioactive substance, 叫铊, is injected into the patient. The doctor will use a special camera to identify the rays emitted from the substance within the body; this produces clear pictures of the heart tissue on a monitor. These pictures are done both at rest and after exercise. 使用这种技术, 低于正常量的铊会出现在那些血液供应减少的心脏区域.
Electrocardiogram (EKG) is a test that measures the electrical activity of the heartbeat. With each beat, an electrical impulse (or “wave”) travels through the heart. This wave causes the muscle to squeeze and pump blood from the heart. A normal heartbeat on ECG will show the timing of the top and lower chambers.
The right and left atria or upper chambers make the first wave, 称为P波——当电脉冲到达底部腔室时,沿着一条平坦的线. 左右底部腔室或心室产生下一个波,称为QRS复合体. 最后一波, 或T波, represents electrical recovery or return to a resting state for the ventricles.
An ECG gives two major kinds of information. 第一个, by measuring time intervals on the ECG, 医生可以确定电波通过心脏需要多长时间. 发现一个波从心脏的一个部分到另一个部分需要多长时间,可以显示电活动是正常的还是缓慢的, 快还是不规律. 第二个, by measuring the amount of electrical activity passing through the heart muscle, 心脏病专家可能会发现心脏的某些部位是否过大或过度劳累. There’s no pain or risk associated with having an electrocardiogram. When the ECG stickers are removed, there may be some minor discomfort.
睡眠研究 are tests that watch what happens to your body during sleep. The studies are done to find out what is causing your sleep problems. Sleep problems include:
- 睡眠呼吸暂停,是指成年人在睡眠中经常停止呼吸10秒或更长时间. This may be caused by blocked airflow during sleep, such as from narrowed airways. 或者它可能是由大脑向呼吸肌发出信号的方式出现问题引起的.
- Problems staying awake, such as narcolepsy.
- 夜间行为问题,如梦游、夜惊或尿床.
- Problems sleeping at night (insomnia). 这可能是由压力、抑郁、饥饿、身体不适或其他问题引起的.
- 由于晚上工作或轮班工作,白天睡眠有问题. This sleep problem is called shift work sleep disorder.
- Conditions such as periodic limb movement disorder, which is repeated muscle twitching of the feet, arms or legs during sleep.
睡眠研究还可以确定你的睡眠阶段是否有问题. 睡眠的两个阶段是非快速眼动(NREM)和快速眼动(REM)。. Normally, NREM and REM alternate 4 to 5 times during a night’s sleep. A change in this cycle may make it hard for you to sleep soundly.